断片化され、二つの領域をつなぐ門として機能し始めた厚い壁面と観客の意志により移動するハニカム状の壁面の間のパサージュには、この場に提示された視線や視点を 解く方眼が隠されている。 ロビーギャラリーを南と西に別ける境界でもある「Propa*Gate」は、厚い壁を切り裂くように 角度のついた隙間が設けられ、その切断面は鏡になっている。これによって視線は壁面を通過し、乱反射し、あるいは交わって立体的な方眼を生む。一方Propa*Gateと平行にふすまのように移動させられる「Layer walls」がある。飛行機の構造材などに使われるアルミハニカムで出来た可動壁は、無数の六角形の穴が開いていて側面には向こう側の気配を感じさせる虚像を映し出している。昆虫の複眼のようなこれらの壁面を通過する無数の視線は整流され、お互いには交わらない平行な方眼をつくりだす。 Layer wallsの中に固定されたフィルム状の写真「方眼一致」は、複数の針穴が開い た大型のピンホールカメラで撮影される。この場から引出される立体的で幾重にもかさなりあう方眼と、平行な方眼が一致する地点において、複数の針穴に向かう視線によって複数の写像が一枚の平面に記録さている。 |
■Propa*Gate − Unified Network of Lines − Layer walls The work entitled “Propa*Gate,” which marks the borderline between the southeast and the northwest of the Lobby Gallery, utilizes slanted openings that look as if parts of a thick wall were slashed open. The cross sections of the openings are made into mirrors. This structure allows the viewer’s sight to go further than the wall, while capturing the diffused reflections and the intertwining scenes, which creates a three-dimensional network of lines. On the other hand, another work entitled “Layer walls,” which is positioned parallel to “Propa*Gate,” uses walls that move like Japanese sliding doors. These movable walls, made of an aluminum honeycomb material that is normally used as a construction material for airplanes, have numerous hexagon holes. False images that are reflected on the inner rims of the honeycombs convey the feeling of what it is like on the other side. The visions that pierce through the numerous holes that resemble the compound eyes of an insect are adjusted into straight lines, creing networks of lines that are parallel but which do not intersect with one another. A series of film-like photographic works entitled “Unified Network of Lines,“ which are fixed on the rails with the movable walls of “Layer walls,” were photographed using a large pinhole camera with several pinholes. Each of these two-dimensional works is the record of the overlapped scenes that were derived from the three-dimensional network of lines. They were transformed into photographic images created from several pinholes, and from the light that pierced through the pinholes at the point where the network of lines became unified through the straight lines created by the vision seen through the honeycomb holes. |